iSchool Identity

UX Research
Snippet of an affinity diagram with sticky notes about how students have low level of knowledge about the program

iSchool Identity

UX Research
I helped an academic program find its identity among students and improved it through my research.

Project Description

I helped the University dig deeper in the perception of an academic major among students and provided actionable insights from the research data to improve it.

The research and suggestions helped the University significantly improve the way they promoted their academic program among students and its structure in the next academic year.
Academic Identity written on a sticky note
College of Information Studies, UMD
UX Researcher
Team Size
6 members
Project Year

Research & Tools

User Interview
Affinity Diagram

What is InfoSci?

The Information Science program, also known as InfoSci, is an academic program offered by the University of Maryland.

At the time of this project, InfoSci was a newly introduced major at the university.
College of Information Studies' building at University of Maryland

The University's Goals

Bar graphs rising up in growth

Rapid Growth

In what ways can be better adapt as the program grows?
The queen chess piece


How can we set InfoSci apart from other academic majors?
A fingerprint icon

InfoSci Identity

What is the major's identity as seen by the student body?

Digging Deeper

To answer these questions, we performed contextual research among the students in and around the program.
Illustration of students of varying demographics such as gender, year and major

User Interviews

We interviewed six students of varying demographics about their thoughts on the academic major.
A whiteboard with a lot of ideas scribbled with a marker

Interpretation Session

Our team held interpretation sessions to understand the participant data and the key pain points.
Sticky notes with data from the user research

Affinity Diagram

After understanding the data, we grouped it into an affinity diagram to look at the broader picture.

Key Issues

Academic Value

A graduation hat
Many students failed to see the academic and career based value that InfoSci offered

Lack of Understanding

Emoji of a thinking face
Students outside the InfoSci program weren't completely sure about what it was about

Course Improvement

A chart showing profit
Despite being happy with the program, students believed the course could yet be improved

Identity Model

We created a contextual model that depicted the various identities of the students around the academic major, and what they wanted from the program.
Identity Model depicting a student's personality and needs

Relationship Model

We created another contextual model with the research data that depicted the relationship of the students with themselves, the academic major and the world.
Relationship model depicting how a student feels about themselves while being in the program

Final Handoff

We handed research data and actionable insights in the form of affinity diagrams, identity model and relationship model to the College of Information Studies. Using our research, they made improvements to the course structure and the promotion of the program among students in the next academic year.
Part of the identity model showing three different identities of students, what they want from the program and actionable insights on how to achieve that

The Results


Major Pain Points Discovered


Yellow Note Research Data


New Online Impressions


Outreach Improvement


This was my first research project, and the first time I interviewed anyone. I discovered that people give richer data when they become comfortable. People also love talking about themselves, and would give quality inputs the longer they are uninterrupted in their chain of thoughts.

What would I do differently?

Take more initiative. I was quite passive as a teammate in the beginning of the project and would wait for someone to delegate a task to me. Once I started being proactive, the project felt much easier to complete.

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